From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
Henry (Harry) Richard Edward QUANT
Immigrated from Northern Ireland, posibly thru Canada - 1894 Entered USA
1900 Census - Jefferson, Hillsdale Co., Michigan
1910 Census - Hartford Village, Van Buren Co., Michigan
1920 Census - Marion City, Ingham Co., Michigan
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
Line in Record @I844@ (RIN 844) from GEDCOM file not recognized: _STAT Dead
!INFORMATION: Family History information receives fromSarah Johnson, 8043 Ammons Way, Arvada, Colorado 80005.MARRIAGE-SPOUSE: Marriage Bonds, Pulaski County, Kentucky;1811; Pulaski County Clerk; Vol 1, Page 173; Salt LakeFamily History Library Film # 0804052; NOTE: Solomon Turpinmarried Betsey Steely, 19 Nov 1811, Pulaski CountyKentucky; Surities: John Steely (Not sure if this is ourSolomon, See note below)
MARRIAGE-SPOUSE: Marriage Records, Madison County,Kentucky; 1785-1851; Madison County Clerk; Salt Lake FamilyHistory Library Film # _______; ENCL TUR 0007; NOTE:Solomon Turpin married Sally Lambert Oct 9, 1805, MadisonCounty, Kentucky. Father of bride is Mathias Lambert. (Notsure if this is our Solomon, see note above)
FATHER-SIBLINGS: Last Will and Testament for Moses Turpin,Pulaski County, Kentucky; 1816; Probate Clerk; Vol 1, Page236-7; ENCL TUR 0001; Salt Lake Family History Library Film# 598753.
WILL: In the name of God Amen, I Moses Turpin of the Countyof Pulaski and state of Kentucky being in a low state ofhealth but of sound mind do make this may last will andtestament and bequeath as follows; After all my just debtsand funeral charges are paid. I bequeath to my wifeMagdalene the tract of land that I now live on containingone hundred and sixty acres also a tract adjoining thecontaining eighty acres to ahve during her natural lifealso to have three head of horses at her choice of thestock also three cows and calves also all my stock of hogsalso all my _____ furniture also all my debts that are dueto me except a debt on William Hays and a debt on WilliamDavis to have the above property to dispose of as she maysee proper also do bequeath the above mentioned land to mythree sons Moses Turpin Solomon Turpin and Samuel Turpin atthe death of my wife the said to be divided in five sharesMoses to have one share Solomon two shares and Samuel twoshares also do bequeath to my two daughters Mariam Robertsand Delilah Turpin, a track of land adjoining Robert Tatescontaining eighty acres the said land to be sold andequally divided between them also do bequeath to my twodaughters Polly Long and Mariam Roberts. two judgementsagainst William Hays to be equally divided between themalso do bequeath to my daughter Delilah Turpin a debt offift one dollars on William Davis and Gideon Roberts to becollected and paid on use until she comes of age also dobequeath Agness Hart one pacing sorrel horse also dobequeath to my daughter Delilah Turpin one bay horse calledRainbow also after my wife takes her three choices of thehorses the next choice to be sold and the money to be puton use until my grandson Henry Turpin comes of age then tobe for him......... Magdalene Turpin, I do appoint my wifeMagdalene Turpin and Samuel Turpin executors. Signedsealed in the presents of Robert Tate, Samuel Tate, JohnShort, Reubin Short. Presented at the County Court heldfor Pulaski County Court, 23 December 1816.
!MARRIAGE-SPOUSE: Marriage Records, Madison County,Kentucky; 1785-1851; Madison County Clerk; Salt Lake FamilyHistory Library Film # _______; ENCL TUR 0007; NOTE:Solomon Turpin married Sally Lambert Oct 9, 1805, MadisonCounty, Kentucky. Father of bride is Mathias Lambert. (Notsure if this is our Solomon, see note above)