Lived in Burlington, New Jersey
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
!LOCATION: 1810 US Census, Lincoln County, North Carolina;1810; Federal Archives; Salt Lake Family History LibraryFilm # 337913.
(1810) Nicholas Havener: 4 males <10; 1 male 10-16; 1 male>45; 1 female 10-16; 3 females 16-26; 1 female >45.
LOCATION: 1830 US Census, Lincoln County, North Carolina;1830; Federal Archives; Page 174; Salt Lake Family HistoryLibrary Film # 18088.
(1830) Nicholas Havner; 1 male <5; 2 males 10-15; 1 male20-30; 1 male 50-60; 1 female 5-10; 1 female 20-30; 1female 30-40; 1 female 50-60.
2do: 1840, 1850, 1860,
!LINCOLN: 1830 US Census, Lincoln County, North Carolina;1830; Federal Archives; Page 174; Salt Lake Family HistoryLibrary Film # 18088.
(1830) Nicholas Havner; 1 male <5; 2 males 10-15; 1 male20-30; 1 male 50-60; 1 female 5-10; 1 female 20-30; 1female 30-40; 1 female 50-60.
2do: 1840, 1850, 1860,
PARENTS-SIBLINGS: Last will and testament for MartinShittle; 1817; Lincoln County, North Carolina; ENCL SHI001; North Carolina State Archives; NOTE: In the name ofGod amen, I Martin Shittle of the state of North Carolinaand County of Lincoln being of perfect sound mind andmemory blessed be God knowing the frailty of human natureand that it is appointed for all men once to die that onthis twenty ninth day of April AD 1815 make and publishthis my last will and testament in the manner following towit: But first I recommend my body to the dust to receive aChristian buryal at the discretion of my executor and myspirit unto God who gave it nothing daunting but at thegeneral resurrection I shall receive it again raised by themight power of God. 1st: I will and bequeath unto my wellbeloved wife Christina Shittel my whole estate real andpersonal to be enjoyed by her during her natural life timeor widowhood and at her decease (or marriage). and suchpart of said estate of shall then remain shall be sold byme executor and equally divided amongst my children viz:Mary Shittle wife of Philip Cook; Sophia Shittle wife ofEnoch Rigdon; Anthony Shittle; Christiana Shittle wife ofNicholas Hefner; Elisabeth Shittle wife of Danial Hefner;Peter Shittle; Mary M Shittle wife of Martin Daughtery;John Shittle; Martin Shittle; and Anna Shittle; and I doherby make and ordain my worthy friend Saml Wilson executorof this my last will and testament. In wittness whereof Ithe said Martin Shittle to this my last will and testamenthath set my hand and seal the day and year first abovewritten. Signed sealed published and declared by the saidtestator Martin Shittle as his last will and testament inthe presence of us who were present at the time of signingand sealing thereof. Michael Rup---, Jacob Conner, ThomasWitson. Saml Wilson Executor. October session 1817, Stateof North Carolina, Lincoln County. The within will wasproved in open court by the oath of Michael Rup asubscribing witness thereto and admitted to record.
Relative/Proxy: Isaac David Haines - 1888, Logan Temple
Submitter (PRF): Ranjit SINGH 118 an Government Buildings, Calcutta, India
Submitter (PRF): Guido FRABRONETTI Via Lombardia 47, Roma, Roma, 00187, Italy
Submitter (PRF): Frau Paula VON BENKENDORFF Sassenstr. 6, Neustrelitz, Fr, her Mecklenburg-Strelitz,Deutschland, 17235