From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tom talley []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 6:54 AM
> To: Shawn O'Neal
> Subject: Re: O'Neal info
> Shawn O'Neal wrote:
> >
> > I am looking for any information on the O'Neal family. Hugh Alonzo had numerious children there. He resided there around 1875 through 1890 or so. Some of his children are Lewis Aden, Susie Elizibeth (lizzy), Marry Allis, Claudius F and another unknow male child. I believe he had eight children in all. He was married to Delilah Cook.
> >
> > Any information would be helpful.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Shawn
> >
> Shawn, What county? Please shorten your page,I can't print all the
> page.
> Thanks, Tom
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Part 1.2 Type: application/ms-tnef
> Encoding: base64Shawn, page 685.- Mary Ann Constable(wife of James O'Neal),dau. of
Perry and Andocia Banks, nee Smothers Constable.(Mercer County)page 305.- Wm. O'Neil, trustee of Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
(Harrison County)Some time ago a probate I saw listed a Welden,nee O'Neal filed in
the late 1800's.In the 1940's I remember a Rocky O'Neal.
That is all I have.
!Obituary for son Aden O'Neal indicates that Aden moved with his parents to Nebraska in 1898.
!BIRTH-LOCATION: 1860 US Census, Marion Twp, Harrison County, Missouri; Jun 1860; Federal Archives; Page 30; Salt Lake Family History Library Film # 803622.
(1860) John Cook, 37, m, farmer, $2000/500, can't read/write, NC; Polly A, 36, f, can't read/write, KY; Nancy A, 14, f, IN; John L, 11, m, IN; Philip, 8, m, IN; Christopher C, 7, m, IN; Delilah, 5, f, MO; Jacob, 3, m, MO; William M, 5/12, m, MO.
BIRTH-LOCATION: 1870 US Census, Marion Twp, Harrison County, Missouri; 7 Sep 1879; Federal Archives; Page 7;Salt Lake Family History Library Film # 0552277.
(1870) John Cook, 47, m, farmer, $4500/1300, NC; Mary A, 46, f, keeping house, KY; Phillip, 19, m, IN; Christopher C, 17, m, IN; Delilah, 15, f, MO; William M, 10, m, MO; George W, 8, m, MO; Jacob, 11, m, MO; James F, 4, m, MO; Marietta, 1, f, MO; Lewis Coffey, 25, m, farm laborer, IN; Delilah Coffey, 68, f, KY; Susan C Coffey, 11, f, IN.
2do: 1880 Census, Harrison County, Missouri;
2do: 1900, 1910, 1920 census for Nebraska
WILL-SPOUSE-CHILDREN: Last will and testament for John Cook Sr, Harrison County, Missouri; 14 Feb 1883; Book D, Page 140; Salt Lake Family History Library Film # 1007674, ENCL COO 0003.
Will: Written 17 Jan 1883 and filed 14 Feb 1883. The Last will and Testament of John Cook Sr of the County of Harrison, State of Missouri. To all persons to whom it may concern. Know ye that I John Cook the aforesaid testator of the hereinafter bequest do desire first that my wife Pheba shall remain on my farm lying being and situated in Union Township Harrison County and State of Missouri and further to have her support out of the product of said farm so long as she remains my widow. And second that all my heirs shall have an equal inheritance in my estate and further I declare that I have given to Catherine Lacy and her husband William Lacy one mare and one cow and twenty acres of land and one bed. And to Nancy Ann Miller and her husband Daniel B Miller one mare and one cow and one bed and to Dalila ONeal and Alonzo Oneal her husband one mare and one cow and one bed and to John L Cook one horse and one cow and one bed and to Phillip Cook one horse and one cow and one bed and to Phillip Cook one horse and one cow and one bed and to Christopher C Cook one horse and one cow and one bed and to Jacob Cook one horse and to William M Cook one horse and to George Washington Cook one horse and to James Thomas Cook one horse. Now therefore I do desire that Maryette Cook shall have the two year old filley known by name as Jane and further that Jacob, William M, George W, James T and Maryette shall have one cow and bed each. Now I therefore desire that my doctors bill and any other indebtedness of my estate shall be paid by any heirs and further that my heirs shall set up at the head and foot of my grave a sollid substantial limestone slab or white marble stones as my heirs shall elect my coffin I want to be of sollid black walnut and to be burried in plain clothes. I further desire to be buried at the Huffman graveyard by the grave of my first wife and agin I want the remainder of my property to be equally - divided between my several heirs deducting twenty acres of land or its equivalent from the portion - allotted to Catherine Lacy. So that this bequest shall give to all my heirs an equa lportion and I further declare that I did in the spring of 1880 give to George W Cook my sixth son and one of my heirshis full time f___ and after the time above mentioned so that he has done business entirely for himself with my full consent and permission and I further desire to give Phillip Cook the use of one work mare "Colie" by name to make acrop with this season and also Christopher C Cook to have the use of one team Mollie and Fly by name to make a crop with the present season And further I want all my farming implements including reaper and mower plows, cultivators,wagons and co to be used on the farm for the benefit of those farming the same. And further I wish any of my boys that have rails or timber on the home place to have them according to previous arrangements namely Phillip to have timber enough to finish his house and also Christopher to also have timber enough to finish his house. (Inserted onside) I further desire that F I Hale shall be the custodian of this will. Given under my hand this 17 day of January 1883. Signed John Cook (mark). Witnessed by J. F.Thompson, F I Hale and William A Hale.
INFORMATION: Handwritten Cook Genealogy by Bertha Cook; ENCL COO 0009; NOTE: John Cook born 14 Jan 1823, Polly Ann(Coffey) Cook born 13 Dec 1824; Children: Catherine Cook, born 24 Oct 1843; Nancy Ann Cook, born 24 Mar 1846; John Lewis Cook, born 27 Jul 1848; Phillip Cook born 13 Jan 1851; Christopher Columbus Cook, born 5 Dec 1852; Delila Cook, born 7 Mar 1855; Jacob Cook, born 7 Aug 1857; William Martin Cook, born 24 Dec 1859; George Washington Cook, born 20 Feb 1862; James T Cook, born 11 Apr 1866; Mary E Cook, born 8 Jan 1868. Marriage: Catherine Cook married Wm Lacy, 10 Mar 1859. John Lewis Cook married Margaret Riffe, 26Jul 1866.
BAPTISM-ENDOWMENT-SEALING: Logan Temple Records, Churchof Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
OBITUARY: Obituary for Aden O'Neal (son); Unknown paper;Unknown date of publication (1935); ENCL COO 006; NOTE: Indicated that Aden O'Neal moved to Nebraska in 1898 with his parents.
OBITUARY: Obituary for William M. Cook (brother); BethanyClipper; 29 Oct 1924; ENCL COO 0008; NOTE: Survived bysister, Delila O'Neal residing in Nebraska.
Record of birth in the Harrison County Register of Births, pp 44, record number 350
Also noted that Susie was the fifth born child.
Hard to read birth place, but looks like Union, TWP
Hugh was 33 years of age when Susie was born. Hugh then would be born approximately in 1851.
It also states Hughs birth place as Ind.
DeLilah was 29 and the record states that she was born in MO.
Sixth child
According to Harrison County Registry of Births, this was male child and the 7th to be born to Hugh and Delilah.
According to the Harrison County Register of Births, Claudius was the 8th child born to Hugh Alonzo and Delilah.
Bapt 1935 BY Relative/Proxy: Mary Susan WebberHerand Karl Farr
End 1950 By Relative/Proxy: Mary Susan WebberWilliam T. Lloyd