From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
Line in Record @I2814@ (RIN 2814) from GEDCOM file not recognized: _STAT Dead
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
!2do: 1840, 1850, 1860 census
LOCATION: 1830 US Census, Lincoln County, North Carolina;1830; Federal Archives; Page 172; Salt Lake Family HistoryLibrary Film # 18088.
(1830) John Shittle: 1 male <5; 1 male 30-40; 2 females5-10; 1 female 20-30.
PARENTS-SIBLINGS: Last will and testament for MartinShittle; 1817; Lincoln County, North Carolina; NorthCarolina State Archives; NOTE: In the name of God amen, IMartin Shittle of the state of North Carolina and County ofLincoln being of perfect sound mind and memory blessed beGod knowing the frailty of human nature and that it isappointed for all men once to die that on this twenty ninthday of April AD 1815 make and publish this my last will andtestament in the manner following to wit: But first Irecommend my body to the dust to receive a Christian buryalat the discretion of my executor and my spirit unto God whogave it nothing daunting but at the general resurrection Ishall receive it again raised by the might power of God.1st: I will and bequeath unto my well beloved wifeCHRISTINA SHITTEL my whole estate real and personal to beenjoyed by her during her natural life time or widowhoodand at her decease (or marriage). and such part of saidestate of shall then remain shall be sold by me executorand equally divided amongst my children viz: MARY SHITTLEwife of PHILIP COOK; SOPHIA SHITTLE wife of ENOCH RIGDON;ANTHONY SHITTLE; CHRISTIANA SHITTLE wife of NICHOLASHEFNER; ELISABETH SHITTLE wife of DANIAL HEFNER; PETERSHITTLE; MARY M SHITTLE wife of MARTIN DAUGHTERTY; JOHNSHITTLE; MARTIN SHITTLE; and ANNA SHITTLE; and I do herbymake and ordain my worthy friend SAML WILSON executor ofthis my last will and testament. In wittness whereof I thesaid Martin Shittle to this my last will and testament hathset my hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed sealed published and declared by the said testatorMartin Shittle as his last will and testament in thepresence of us who were present at the time of signing andsealing thereof. Michael Rup---, Jacob Conner, ThomasWitson. Saml Wilson Executor. October session 1817, Stateof North Carolina, Lincoln County. The within will wasproved in open court by the oath of Michael Rup asubscribing witness thereto and admitted to record.
DEATH: Last will and testament for John Shittle, Will Bookfor Lincoln County, North Carolina; 1877; Lincoln CountyClerk; Salt Lake Family History Film # 421831; NOTE: Willwritten 16 May 1877, entered into court 5 Jun 1877. Heirs:Adolphus (son), Luvina (daughter), Dobey (Granddaughter),Eliza (daughter), Rinchey (son), Mary (Daughter), Ann(Daughter), Malinda (Daughter), Sally (daughter), Polly(daughter). Executor of will is Adolph (son). Signed byJohn Shittle (his mark). Witnessed: David Hauser andJoshua Pendleton.
!BIRTH-LOCATION: 1850 US Census, Washington Twp, MorganCounty, Indiana; 1850; Federal Archives; Page __; Salt LakeFamily History Library Film # 442940
(1850) Philip Cook, m, 29, NC; Margaret, f, 28, OH; JamesDarrel, m, 24, Laborer, OH.
LAND: Land Records, Morgan County, Indiana; 1 Jun 1854;Morgan County Clerk; Book S Page 360; Salt Lake FamilyHistory Library Film # 1468450; NOTE: Philip and MargaretCook sole land to Trustees of Washington Twp, part W1/2SW1/4 beginning at SW corner to be used for a school house,Section 13 Range 1 East Twp 11 North, 1/2 acre, signedPhilip Cook and Margaret Cook (her mark)
LAND: Land Records, Morgan County, Indiana; 15 Oct 1856;Morgan County Clerk; Book U Page 537; Salt Lake FamilyHistory Library Film # 1468450; NOTE: Philip and MargaretCook sold land to Henry H Lee, 20 acres of West side ofE1/2 SW1/4 also W1/2 SW1/4 = 80 acres except acrage givenfor school, Section 13, Range 1 East Twp 11 North, $2000.00, Signed Philip Cook and Margaret Cook (her mark).
BAPTISM-SEALING-ENDOWMENT: Logan Temple Records; Church ofJesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
DEATH-SPOUSE: Will Records for Andrew County, Missouri; Last will and Testament for Philip Cook; 1904; Platte Twp,Andrew County, Missouri Clerk; ENCL COO 0038; Salt LakeFamily History Library Film # 1006205; NOTE: I Philip Cook of Platte Township in Andrew County, MIssouri do make and publish, this as my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made. 1st I will that all my jus tdebts and funeral expenses be first paid. 2nd, I will devise and bequeath all of my real estate and personal property wherever located that I may own at the time of death, to my beloved wife, Margaret Cook during her natural life. 3rd After the death of my wife, I will devise and bequeath all of my real estate and personal property that may be left to Alfred B Hunt, the one half thereof absolutely, and to Martha Ellen Beattie and David C Beattie, her husband, the other one half absolutely. 4th I hereby appoint Joseph Rea as my executor. In witnesswhereof I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this Oct 14, 1904. signed Philip Cook. We, John P Roberts and Alexander R Selecman do hereby certify that we were present and saw Philip Cook sign his name to the foregoing will and we at his request and in his presence of each other sign our name as witnesses hereto. John P Roberts, Alexander R Selecman, Witnesses. Entered into court, 4 Jan 1905.
!BIRTH-LOCATION: 1850 US Census, Washington Twp, MorganCounty, Indiana; 1850; Federal Archives; Page __; Salt LakeFamily History Library Film # 442940
(1850) Philip Cook, m, 29, NC; Margaret, f, 28, OH; JamesDarrel, m, 24, Laborer, OH.
LAND: Land Records, Morgan County, Indiana; 1 Jun 1854;Morgan County Clerk; Book S Page 360; Salt Lake FamilyHistory Library Film # 1468450; NOTE: Philip and MargaretCook sole land to Trustees of Washington Twp, part W1/2SW1/4 beginning at SW corner to be used for a school house,Section 13 Range 1 East Twp 11 North, 1/2 acre, signedPhilip Cook and Margaret Cook (her mark)
LAND: Land Records, Morgan County, Indiana; 15 Oct 1856;Morgan County Clerk; Book U Page 537; Salt Lake FamilyHistory Library Film # 1468450; NOTE: Philip and MargaretCook sold land to Henry H Lee, 20 acres of West side ofE1/2 SW1/4 also W1/2 SW1/4 = 80 acres except acrage givenfor school, Section 13, Range 1 East Twp 11 North, $2000.00, Signed Philip Cook and Margaret Cook (her mark).
BAPTISM-SEALING-ENDOWMENT: Logan Temple Records; Church ofJesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
DEATH-SPOUSE: Will Records for Andrew County, Missouri; Last will and Testament for Philip Cook; 1904; Platte Twp,Andrew County, Missouri Clerk; ENCL COO 0038; Salt LakeFamily History Library Film # 1006205; NOTE: I Philip Cookof Platte Township in Andrew County, MIssouri do make andpublish, this as my last will and testament hereby revokingall former wills by me made. 1st I will that all my justdebts and funeral expenses be first paid. 2nd, I willdevise and bequeath all of my real estate and personalproperty wherever located that I may own at the time ofdeath, to my beloved wife, Margaret Cook during her anturallife. 3rd After the death of my wife, I will devise andbequeath all of my real estate and personal property thatmay be left to Alfred B Hunt, the one half thereofabsolutely, and to Martha Ellen Beattie and David CBeattie, her husband, the other one half absolutely. 4th Ihereby appoint Joseph Rea as my executor. In witnesswhereof I hereunto get my hand and affix my seal this Oct14, 1904. signed Philip Cook. We, John P Roberts andAlexander R Selecman do hereby certify that we were presentand saw Philip Cook sign his name to the foregoing will andwe at his request and in his presence of each other signour name as witnesses hereto. John P Roberts, Alexander RSelecman, Witnesses. Entered into court, 4 Jan 1905.
!BIRTH-LOCATION: 1850 US Census, Jackson Twp, Morgan CountyInidiana; 2 Nov 1850; Federal Archives; Page ___ ; SaltLake Family History Library Film # 442940.
(1850) Absolem Haase, 36, NC; Sarah, 23, NC; Anna, 6, IN;Mary, 4, IN; Sophrony, 1, IN.
BIRTH-LOCATION: 1860 US Census, Jackson Twp, MorganCounty, Indiana; 23 Jun 1860; Federal Archives; Page ____;Salt Lake Family History Library Film # 0803284
(1860) Absolom Haase, 43, NC; Sarah, 34, NC; Anna C, 16,IN; Mary, 13, IN; Sufrona, 10, IN; Noah, 8, IN; James L, 6,IN; Philip, 3, IN.
2do: 1870, 1880 census
BAPTISM-SEALING-ENDOWMENT: Logan Temple Records, Church ofJesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
DEATH-CHILDREN: Last Will and Testament for Jacob Haase;1844; Probate Records for Morgan County, Indiana; multiple pages; Salt Lake Family History Library Film # _______;NOTE: Letters of administration entered for Jacob Haase Sr,12 Sep 1844. Granted to William Boles. Heirs for Jacob Haase listed, 13 May 1846 (page 55); Absalom, David, Henry, Isaac, Jacob Jr., Noah, Joel Williams and Elisabeth Williams, John, Ephriam, William and Catharine Williams, Polly Haase.
INFORMATION: Family History and Biographical ResearchLetters; Salt Lake Family History Library Film # 1502569;NOTE: Jacob Haase, died age 94 years, 4 Jul 1844, MorganCounty, Indiana, buried Sand Creek, Washington Twp, MorganCounty, Indiana; Absalom Haase married Sarah Cook, 9 Jun1842; David Haase, born 4 Mar 1804 in Lincoln NorthCarolina married Delilah Roberts, 12 Oct 1837, died 6 May1885, buried in Mt Zion Cemetery; Henry Haase, died 17 Oct1871 at age 73 years 10 months 20 days. buried in SandCreek Cemetery, married Mary McAvery; Isaac Haase marriedSusannah Parker; Noah Haase; Elizabeth Haase, died 27 Aug1875 age 73 years, buried Mt Nebo Cemetery, married JoelWilliams; John Haase; Ephriam Haase; Catherine Haasemarried William Williams; Polly Haase.
!BIRTH-LOCATION: 1850 US Census, Jackson Twp, Morgan CountyInidiana; 2 Nov 1850; Federal Archives; Page ___ ; SaltLake Family History Library Film # 442940.
(1850) Absolem Haase, 36, NC; Sarah, 23, NC; Anna, 6, IN;Mary, 4, IN; Sophrony, 1, IN.
BIRTH-LOCATION: 1860 US Census, Jackson Twp, MorganCounty, Indiana; 23 Jun 1860; Federal Archives; Page ____;Salt Lake Family History Library Film # 0803284
(1860) Absolom Haase, 43, NC; Sarah, 34, NC; Anna C, 16,IN; Mary, 13, IN; Sufrona, 10, IN; Noah, 8, IN; James L, 6,IN; Philip, 3, IN.
2do: 1870, 1880 census
BAPTISM-SEALING-ENDOWMENT: Logan Temple Records, Church ofJesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.