Peter was a Private in the Virginia Troops. Enlisted 1 or 2 Jul 1775,
served until 31 Dec 1775 in Captain Daniel Morgan's Rifle Company,
Virginia Troops.
Taken Prisoner at Quebec and kept there until 1776 and kept there
until liberatedon parole and six oonths late exchanged. Placed on the
pension roll of Frederick County Virgina, 27 nov 1833References: Gwathney's "Virginian's in the Rev. War", Pg. 460
History of Frederick County Virginia, pg. 103
Pension roll of Virgina, 1835
Report of State Librarian of VA, 1912
Report of Secretary of War, Vol 2, pg. 138 (Pensions)
Frederick County Petitioners, Dec 3, 1833 (A6539)
D.A.R. National Number National Nos. 95672, 92823, 77362, 71508,
45361, 39721, 139Death date is either 2 or 27 Oct 1839
Vincent Classe Van Schalkwyck de Boisaubin de Beaupland BOISAUBIN
He Built the "BOISAUBIN" House
Name is from (bois St. Aubin) - Names of Plantations assumedCharles X sent, "as a reward for his many eminent services, past and
present, the much coveted honor of "Chevalier de St. Louis", together
with the insignia and jewels of this most ancient and renowned order
of Knighthood", Page 78 a photo of his painting, The Maltese cross, in
the picture is the cross of the Chevalier de St. Louis.Son Educated at West Point
The Baron Von Schalkwyck was banished fom Holland in 1630, went to
Brazil and a few years later to French Antilles (1654) or to Gudaloupe
- The great Industry of the island is due to this groupVincent ___? went to Paris at 7 yrs, for Education, at age 17 enrolled
in Garde de Corps of King Louis XVI, (nobility only) Commanded by Duke
of Luxemborg.
Served for 16 Years, fled during Fench Revolution.
Left 1,200 slaves, Swam 3 miles,
in Morristown, NJ known by Revolutionay French Officers
Became Vincent Boisaubin - Farmer -Regained Land & Titles due to
Charles X swore Vincent could return to France.Eldest Son Graduated from West Point - Died in Service of Country
Cadet of Military Academy, 14 Apr 1809 to 1 Mar 1811
Promoted to SECOND LIEUT, LIGHT ARTILLERY , served in garrison at
Atlantic posts, 1811-1812 as adjutant, Light
FIRST LIEUT , 1812 in war of 1812-1815 with Great Britain, on Niagara
Frontier, being engaged in the capture of Ft. Geoge, U. C. May 27,
Famliy Extinct
Denis Van Schalkwyck CLASSE DE COURCELLE
Records burned in 1759 fire in Guadeloupe
He was a Lt. Col.
Denis Van Schalkwyck CLASSE DE COURCELLE
Records burned in 1759 fire in Guadeloupe
He was a Lt. Col.
Nicholas Van Schalkwyck CLASSE DE COURCELLE
His Family drown all but Son Denis and two others