Birthdate is either 1 Oct or 4 Oct (Approx. 1877) 1880 Census has him age 5, birth year must be 1875
He grew up at 409 Hope St in St. Paul. House was still there in 2000, Marilyn and CJ visited it5/30/2005 - Shawn O'Neal had Birthdate of 1 Oct 1876 and Death date of 7 May 1957
Marilyn said her father said he was "youngest of 13 children"
By Law of HOLLAND, The counts & Barons of that country never lose
their titles even if they leave the country or are born under other
governments, or become citiens in foreign lands, hence Emma Marie is a
Baroness (Mother of Robert Irvine Webber - My Grandpa)
1) Hilda Bell's Father (Vandiver - This record) died either on 22 Nov
1943 or 22 Nov 1944. 2) He may have been born in Bellefontaine,
LOGAN Co., Ohio, USA
? why she isn't yet sealed to spouse
May be born "Near" Fingal, ND rather than in Fingal according to
persoanl records of his Daughter Mary Wurzer (1914)Died of a heart attack
May be born "Near" Fingal, ND rather than in Fingal according to
personal records of his Daughter Mary Wurzer (1914)
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
We Assume the Oakland Cemetary is in Little Rock, Ark. USA
Colonel in Civil War, Ny, St. Louis, Sent to Little Rock, Newspapers
Anna T. Webber is listed as William Ami's wife on a Quit ccclaim
document dated 18 May 1899.
The 80 yr old letter does not mention this but describes Nancy Ellen
and tells of a marriage to Marietta Peale on 1 Jan 1908 in
Edwardsville, Illinois.
Buried in Des Moines, Later Moved to Webber Mausoleum, Little Rock,
Vincent Amedee Van Schalkwyck BOISAUBIN
Importer and Exporter - Info from National Society Sons of the
American Revolution (for Robert Irvine Webber (my Grandfather - who
died 9 May 1969)
One note has birth at 6 April 1831 not 16 April 1831
Question if sealed to father/motherRe-baptized - 14 Sep 2002, Mesa, AZ
Re-Endowed - 29 Sep 2004, Mesa, AZ
Emma Virginia Georgetta Ham LAUCK
Moved to St. Louis in 1856
Graduated from Monticello Seminary in 1866 at 21st yearWas older Sister